Thursday, May 12, 2011

Chipotle chicken breasts

So, in my attempt to minimize points while I was weight watchering (I'm pretty sure that's a legit verb,) I stumbled upon chipotle peppers in adobo sauce. I experimented first by making this very yummy, spicy, and flavorful chicken breast. I failed with a few other recipes when I realized that baking the peppers in chicken broth then making a sauce was a lot less spicy than trying to make a sauce without the long cooking process. So, I wanted to share this recipe for those of you that are afraid of the really spicy stuff but still willing to take it on a little bit. Here goes:

In a 9X13 glass baking dish, place 3 bone-in, skin-on chicken breasts with 1 cup of water, a few sprinkles of adobo seasoning without pepper (not the sauce) and 3 chipotle peppers in adobo sauce (you are welcome to use any other kind of chicken breast but I love the flavor of the broth when the bone and skin are left on.) Bake it at 375ยบ for 50 minutes (cooking time is for large chicken breasts-adjust time for size.) When the chicken is done, I take the broth and I de-seed the chipotle peppers and throw it in food processor and puree. Pour it over the chicken breast. The sauce is thin but will stick to the chicken breasts beautifully.

Half of a chicken breast without the skin (or 3 oz if you use a scale like I do) with the sauce is worth 3 weight watchers points. We usually pair it with green beans (0 weight watchers points) and a starch (white rice, mexican rice, corn) and it is always a hit. We don't let Alex eat it yet because it can be spicy although I'm sure he'd be fine with it. Instead of pouring the sauce over the chicken, Eddy dips his chicken in it. Enjoy! :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Great news!

So today was a bit dramatic to say the least, but I wanted to write a quick post. Nicolas has graduated from wearing the helmet. :) This is according to Robert, the orthotist, because he met his goals with his numbers (cephalic index and cranial vault symmetry) and he has outgrown the helmet. We see Dr. Gennuso next Tuesday to get the final blessing but Robert said we basically don't need to wear it anymore unless Dr. Gennuso says otherwise. Ahhhh!

Now, the hard part starts. We have all become so used to the helmet that we're not overly cautious when Nicolas is on the floor, which is almost always these days. He constantly bangs around his head without consequence because he can practically hit it on everything and feel hardly anything. Yesterday, during his hour break, I noticed him hitting his head lightly and experimenting without his helmet as he crawled underneath the coffee table. It was quite amusing and I think he learned that it hurts when the helmet isn't on...or at least I hope he did. I'm a nervous wreck for now and I'm almost certain that the pack and play will become my best friend when I need to accomplish something.

Also, Alex had penicillin allergy testing this morning at our favorite allergist's office in the entire world. Dr. Dennis Dilley He is amazing and we are thankful that Alex is not allergic to it after all. The testing was not fun at all and had to be performed in addition to the traditional scratch test which determined that Alex is allergic to cedar, bermuda grass, and tree nuts last year in May. It required 3 people to hold Alex down because he had to be injected 6 times in his upper arm after having had a scratch test performed on his forearm prior to that. It was chaotic and dramatic but we needed to have it done so that Alex's pediatrician can prescribe the appropriate line of antibiotics if/when Alex gets bronchitis.

So happy that is over with. Next post, I'll post my newest favorite for a healthy chicken option. It is so yummy and spicy. :)