Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Christmas Spirit

Garden Ridge has been in spirit of the holidays since August, at least, which is always great, but their prices never seem to change with the season. They offer discounts periodically so that you believe you are getting a steal when in reality, you're paying normal just don't feel so bad about it because it's so "Christmas-y."

Anyway, Eddy and I decided that we were going to get Alex the Elmo Live doll for Christmas. We broke down and bought it for him already just for kicks, and he is so indifferent about it that it kills us knowing that spent 60 bucks on that thing. We are seriously thinking about returning it although we've considered keeping it assuming he might grow into it. Ahhh...who knows!?

My aunt recommended giving him a cardboard box, and I think we might just have to do that. I guess it's better than a lump of coal.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

My Politics

I don't really use this blog to discuss my politics; I leave that to my myspace blog if you're interested. But, I must urge all my friends and family to get out there and vote on Tuesday if you didn't take advantage of early voting already.

I am a loyal Democrat and already voted for Barack Obama, the main man I have been rooting for since he declared his candidacy. Even if you are for John McCain, which I probably won't understand but I am willing to listen to your side of the story because I'm open-minded like that, I urge you to get out there and vote! Don't allow long lines or the fear of being called to jury duty sway your desire to get out there (if you registered, then you're already on the list...sorry.)

To persuade you to vote for my guy:

1) He's a charismatic, intelligent, open-minded being that is just pretty freakin awesome.
2) By "spreading the wealth," he means that he'll be making the big bad oil companies, insurance companies, drug companies, and billionaires start paying their fair share in taxes after the failure of 8 years of Bush's trickle down economic don't believe me? OPEN YOUR EYES...CHECK YOUR 401K...Republican economic policies don't work in your favor...even if you make $500k/year...the Republican's idea of "wealthy" is far more wealthy than what you and I can even imagine...we're talking billions of dollars here people
3) He's pro-choice...not pro-abortion. If a woman is raped or has been a victim of incest, she might not be able to have that child aborted under Sarah Palin's idea of women's rights. Senator Obama and other liberals don't think it's right for any person to use abortion as birth's merely a choice for a woman to make with her doctor in the event that her health or the health of her baby is at risk. Why should government intervene with the choices we make with our bodies?
4) He's got some pretty awesome advisors at his side. He isn't using the same ol' political advisors Democrats have historically used. He's reaching out beyond the Democratic comfort zone and seeking advice of knowledgeble people, regardless of political affiliation. I truly feel that he will work beyond party lines to do what's best for this country.

Don't have you convinced yet? Let's talk about it. Unfortunately, too many people can't or won't open their minds. 25% of Texans polled this week think that Senator Obama is a Muslim. Stop perpetuating the hate!