Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Christmas Spirit

Garden Ridge has been in spirit of the holidays since August, at least, which is always great, but their prices never seem to change with the season. They offer discounts periodically so that you believe you are getting a steal when in reality, you're paying normal just don't feel so bad about it because it's so "Christmas-y."

Anyway, Eddy and I decided that we were going to get Alex the Elmo Live doll for Christmas. We broke down and bought it for him already just for kicks, and he is so indifferent about it that it kills us knowing that spent 60 bucks on that thing. We are seriously thinking about returning it although we've considered keeping it assuming he might grow into it. Ahhh...who knows!?

My aunt recommended giving him a cardboard box, and I think we might just have to do that. I guess it's better than a lump of coal.

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