Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy Kwaanza, & Happy Holiday

Hello friends! I've been trying to get better about blogging about fun stuff, but I figured a blog is a blog no matter what the topic.

Merry Christmas to all my friends and family & a big congratulations to my big bro on his engagement to Marissa. YAY them!

We've had a great and relaxing Christmas, relatively speaking. We went to Houston this past weekend, and everybody at the Saenz house came down with a cold/allergy attack, including Alex and me. We had to leave Houston early so that Alex could get his rest. We got to see Grandma & Grandpa, Gabriella, and Juan Carlos. Also, Alex met his Aunties Anesha and Anjenie, and Alex finally got to play with his buddy, Alec (Anjenie's son.) We also visited with Tia Nina & Tia Oscar, and I finally got to learn how to make tamales. YAYAYAYAY ME! Thank God for Tia Nina's toys. Alex had a blast while mommy perfected her masa-spreading skills. You'd never believe how hard those things are to make!!! GEEEZ!

Anyway, Alex is enjoying all his new toys. His sense of humor is crazy just like his father's. Today, he pretended to get his hand stuck in his new toy and scared everybody to death before cracking up for tricking us all. He is a comedian.

I hope to see everybody soon, and I'm looking forward to another great year of seeing Alex grow.

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