Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thankful blessings

On this day, more than any other day this month, I feel thankful for the health of my family, my friends, and myself. There are people every day who struggle with their health and I am thankful that there are physicians, medicine, and technology that can help make us better and help us detect when we are not well. November was a month full of friends counting their blessings and I feel bad that I never made it a point to post anything about all of the little things for which I am thankful but I guess I do it daily as I reflect on all that God has blessed me with. I am human and sometimes get sad for the things I don't have (like my mom,) but I think of the love I have for my children and can only imagine how happy she is in heaven watching her grandchildren (and Roly and me of course.) I guess that's the only thing I can do other than feel sorry for myself, and we all know that's not an option. :)

One of the many things I am thankful for is that I am finally feeling more comfortable with cooking for Nicolas and accommodating his allergies. I have altered a lot of our favorite recipes, and I think the biggest point of success for me has been finding a suitable substitute for tomato puree (which is in almost all Mexican dishes I know how to cook.) I now use carrot puree and it is an amazing substitute. It provides a similar sweetness and texture when pureed and mixed with rice, meat, or you name it. I have already purchased some kitchen items that are SFN (strictly for Nicolas) such as cooking spoons, a food processor, and plates/utensils. I am working on getting him some pots and pans that will be strictly for cooking Nicolas-friendly meals. Some of his favorite meals for now include: quinoa macaroni with either an avocado puree (pureed avocado with canola oil and salt) or carrot puree as well as any rice with that is made just like Mexican rice and a non-tomato puree that is red or yellow (squash, pureed roasted red pepper, sweet potato, or carrot.) I can't believe all of the possibilities that were there that I never took advantage of. Now I just have to hope that he doesn't grow tired of all the healthy choices he loves right now.

So, thank you to everyone of you that reads my blog. I am thankful for each and every one of you and wish you all of the blessings this holiday season and every day of the year.

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