Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Too long

It's been 3 months (almost to the day) since my last post so just a quick little note to the few readers that remain...haha. All is well in the Contreras house. Since my last post:

1. My Grandma Petra Saenz (paternal) went to be with the Lord, and I am thankful for the 31 years I got to spend with her, most of which were spent in good health and happy times. Thank you to all that prayed for our family during our loss.

2. Nicolas is now tolerating dairy. I never thought I'd see the day. WOOHOO!!! :)

3. It's been a vicious cold/flu season, and we have managed to get a cold every 2-3 weeks in this house...no fun! I guess that's what we get for keeping Alex out of school all last year. He seems to be outgrowing his asthma, and I could not be happier. The sinus rinse has been our saving grace.

4. Sweet Alicia turned 1. :)

Having 2 boys seems to get more challenging every day. They have such different personalities, but they are both so incredibly loving, just not toward each other. haha. At some point between my last post and now, they have made what I am calling, the great turnaround. Alex, who has been a daddy's boy since day 1, is now a mama's boy and Nicolas, who has been attached to my hip since day 1, is now a daddy's boy. It's absolutely crazy, but I am loving every minute of Alex giving me lots of love. Much like both of his parents, he's not the most affectionate little guy, but his sweet small gestures melt my heart. Nicolas still gives his mama tons of love, hugs, and kisses, but the second he sees his daddy, I am suddenly chopped liver. Good times!

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