Tuesday, June 30, 2009

First Day of School

I knew this day would come sooner than later, and I have to admit that some days I was eager for it to come when Alex would misbehave, but I'd have to say that I underestimated how difficult this day would be for me. It's a feeling I can't explain, but it just broke my heart leaving him in an unfamiliar place all day with unfamiliar people. I was able to watch from home on the center's internet video monitoring site, and I witnessed a few occasions where Alex was still getting comfortable, and it broke my heart. Like I said, I can't explain. I cried multiple times, and I even find myself crying after picking him up...motherhood has turned me into such a softie..UGH! :-)

When I went into his classroom to pick him up, he started crying...I hope Thursday goes smoother than today for both of us...I can't imagine what the owner and Alex's teacher would say if she saw me crying two days in a row.

This day is over, and for that, I am grateful. I pray that the Lord give me the strength and perseverance to make it over this hurdle. Pretty soon, I hope that both Alex and I love his school experience as much as his daddy does.

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