Friday, June 26, 2009

Summer time

It seems like only yesterday that I was graduating with my master's and having over a year to stay at home with Alex. That was a year and almost 2 months, how time flies! Next Tuesday, the 30th, Alex will be starting preschool, and I'm so nervous about the change that's going to bring. I'll be starting my job in a little over a month so we're starting Alex with a few days a week of preschool so that he adjusts to being away from home during the day. I'm nervous and anxious...I know leaving him at a school all day is going to be rough but if he's happy there, I'll be happy knowing that he's filling his days with social interaction, knowledge, and fun. I pray for his well-being, and I believe the Lord will allow everything else to fall into place as it should be.

Otherwise, we've been keeping busy with getting preschool supplies (diapers, wipes, clothes, backpack, etc.,) and I've been brushing up on speech therapy literature. We spent a few days in the Valley with Eddy's family this past week and had a blast. We're getting ready to go to my 10 year high school reunion in a couple of weeks where I will get to hang with my homey, Danielle for the first time in over 7 years...I miss that girl!

Alex had his first haircut a few weeks ago, and here is one of my favorite "after" pics. :-) Enjoy!

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