Sunday, August 8, 2010

First Smile :-)

I am trying to post as often as possible and I finally got a chance now that everybody is bed. The time is just flying by!!! It seems that once our day starts in the morning that we are off and I don't get much down time in between to do much but take care of my little men. The weekends are great but those fly by even quicker.

The days have been bringing a lot of adjustment for all of us, especially Alex. I am adjusting to being at home again, which was very difficult at first. It was very easy to be at home with just one kid but now that I have 2, one of which is almost 3 years old, it is really exhausting. I think the hardest part is the discipline that Alex requires. I'm still really tired (probably due to my anemia) so it is hard to keep up with my pumping schedule (every 2-3 hours,) keeping Alex entertained, Nico duty, keeping everyone fed and happy, and household chores. Alex's energy is so high that when he is not exercised well enough, he starts acting up and it doesn't make for a very happy environment (sleepy and cranky mama = not a lot of patience.)

Nico is an amazing baby so that really helps although lately he has been very fussy. We've been experimenting with different formulas (for supplementation at night) and I am hopeful that formula #4 might be the winner (Enfamil Gentlease.) He has reflux and has been crying in pain due to the reflux and gassiness. It's basically been a trial and error experiment with trying to get the right formula so as of day #2 on the new formula, we are a lot less fussy and the gas does not appear to be causing any pain. Praying that this is the one! This will certainly help reduce a lot of mama's crankiness.

Tonight, we believe that Nico might have had his first real smile. While I was holding him, Eddy was standing right next to me tickling Alex and while Alex let out a big giggle, Nico smiled twice and let out of a small giggle. It was really perfect and all 4 of us were involved so not one person can take credit for causing and observing Nico's first smile. :-)  Heehee.

Alex is really a great big brother. He's never been one to really like candy or sweets, but the man loves him some cupcakes. Yesterday, he asked for one so I made him a batch of strawberry cupcakes. Before he ate one, he asked that we sing happy birthday to him and later asked for some presents. I seriously have the coolest 2 year old out there.

Loving my 2 boys!

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