Friday, July 23, 2010


So, Nicolás is officially one month old (as of yesterday), and once again it feels as if this postpartum time has just flown by. I'm certainly not 100% healed and it feels a bit slower this time around. That's probably because caring for Alex is just as exhausting as caring for Nicolás. We feel very blessed to have both of our sweet boys so I can't complain!

Nico has been a very nice addition to our family. Given his little problem with jaundice he was slow to gain weight at first but he's now 9 lbs 14 oz and is gaining at a very rapid pace according to his pediatrician so we are very excited about that.  We're still trying to get his feeding down because he seems to have a milk protein intolerance so I've been put on a dairy free diet to reduce gassiness.  When we supplement with formula, we have to use soy formula. So far it seems to be helping and time will tell if we have to make any other adjustments to help the little guy out.

I'm still adjusting to having two boys. Just this morning, my sanity was tested as I was trying to take a quick shower before Nico's one month check when Nico suddenly woke up hungry. Just then, Alex walked in holding his underwear telling me he had pooped and needed help getting cleaned up and putting his underwear back on. Somehow, I manage although I'm sure Nico is learning to be a much more patient baby than Alex had to be, and Alex is learning to be more patient and not to expect me to immediately respond to his every request. For those of you who don't know, Alex nailed down the pragmatic skill of requesting at a very early age. :-)

I'm still cautious about taking Nico and Alex out to the together because Alex is pretty difficult to manage by myself so we've still been holed up in our house all day til Daddy gets home. I'm hopeful that once I'm fully healed I'll be able to take both boys out and about so that Alex won't be completely bored out of his mind all day. 

In the meantime, Alex is talking up a storm and repeating everything he hears (a really dangerous thing if you're in a bad mood or say something naughty.) He has a habit of letting his imagination run wild and talks about seeing dragons and purple butterflies in the suburbs of San Antonio. I love that little guy and he can drive me crazy and have me cracking up all within the same minute. He's such a joy in my life. I never imagined being able to love two little boys so much!

I'm hopeful that soon we will once again know more than 2 1/2-3 hours of sleep at a time. We'll get there I'm sure. :-)

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