Monday, June 13, 2011

June update

It's that time of the year again: birthday month!!! Only this time, we will celebrate my little angel, Nicolas', major birthday: his 1st. :) As my second born, he has had to live with a lot less than Alex had to including but not limited to: new toys, new clothes, one on one mommy and/or daddy time, and sadly for me, individual story time. BUT, I think he has a lot more in one area that Alex never had and that is a big brother who adores him and serves as his entertainment and protector all in one. :) They are my joy in life and I thank God every day for having blessed me with them.

June has already been a busy month, but this week, we will begin by celebrating Roly's birthday (33 years young) on the 16th and finish it by celebrating Father's Day and Grandma Mary's birthday on the 19th. Last year, Grandma Mary arrived in town on her birthday to help get us ready to welcome baby Nicolas. This year, we're pretty sure we won't see her right away, but we're hopeful that we'll see her very soon. Next week, Nico will be 1 on the 22nd and Daddy will be 35 years young on the 26th. Then, on the 29th Great Grandma Petra Saenz will be 87. My goodness, June is filled with birthdays of those I love.

Nicolas finally adjusted to life without the helmet albeit with many small bruises and bumps on his noggin. Poor guy. Alex continues to be extremely active, and he requires constant exercise and stimulation. He loves gymnastics, and we are looking to begin martial arts in the next week or two. He was in swimming lessons but his crazy inexperienced teacher completely made him lose all trust in strangers in the pool so needless to say, we will never take a class with her again. :( We will resume lessons soon but for now, we want him to forget about his traumatic experience as best possible. HA!

I'll post again soon. I've been slacking on the blog because a mobile Nico = crazy mommy with no time! :)

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