Friday, August 5, 2011

Oh sweet tendons!

I am either officially old, wasn't in as good of shape as I thought I was, I moved too quickly into a really difficult workout, and/or I need to buy a new pair of workout shoes. :( I'm hoping that it's the latter although I think it's all of the above. Turbo Fire has done amazing things for my energy but my Achilles tendon is still achy. I think it's a good thing, though, that it only hurts when I've been sitting for a while and not after having been in bed all night and then standing up. They feel tight so I'm working on stretching them but I can't take any NSAID's (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.) because of my allergy. Every single pill contains the vegetable gum I'm allergic to. What are you gonna do?!?!?! I'm working on getting one compounded for me but in the meantime, the pharmacist has me taking Children's Tylenol. HA! :)

I'm hopeful that after a weekend of rest, I'll be able to resume my regular exercise routine. In the meantime, I'll just be walking around with a gangsta limp.

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