Saturday, October 1, 2011

September, where did you go!?!?!?!

So, I realized that September just came and went in the blink of an eye and I didn't post to my blog (gasp!) So, I'm retroactively posting and promise to post at least one more for the month of October. September was an incredibly busy month for us as we celebrated my 31st birthday on the 9th, Alex's 4th birthday on the 19th, and what would have been my late and wonderful mama's 61st birthday on the 27th. (Geez that was a numerical sentence.) We also baptized my beautiful niece, Alicia, Alex started pre-k, and we had lots of not-so-fun medical issues involving pretty much the entire family. Just thinking about it makes me exhausted.

In typical Alex fashion, he got sick on my birthday with a nasty cold which triggered the nastiest asthma attack we've seen since the day before Nicolas was born. (side note: Alex has managed to get very ill every year on my birthday with the exception of my 30th birthday.) We came to realize, after receiving multiple calls from the director at Alex's preschool that his skin was itchy and his eyes were burning, that he was showering using a body wash/shampoo that contained tree nuts, which he is allergic to, for at least 2 months. This triggered the bad asthma episode and other issues we were having with the little guy. Fortunately, he is off the shampoo and doing a lot better. WOOHOO! And, the biggest bonus of it all, he loves his school, Marvelously Made Preschool I could not be happier with the progress we've seen with his anxiety about school and how happy he is to go to school and be with his teacher and friends. (sigh of relief.)

As for Nicolas, the little guy is doing wonderfully although he is sad when his brother goes to school on Tuesday/Thursday mornings from 9-12 even though he has alone time with mommy. However, we have been noticing some food allergy issues, one of them being eggs, so we took him to get allergy testing and the poor kid is allergic to everything but the kitchen sink it seems. His list: peanut, chicken, egg, apple, tomato, baker's yeast, pineapple, pork, coconut, barley, grapefruit, lobster, and tuna fish. He did not show up as having an allergy to dairy like we previously thought so Dr. Dilley ran a blood test, to which we have no results yet. I'm still convinced he has an allergy to dairy but we'll see what the test says. If he isn't, that will make my life in the kitchen so much easier when it comes to planning his meals. What his means for me is that I will have to modify every single thing I cook because almost every single meal I make contains chicken broth (which also contains yeast) and tomatoes. I was basically poisoning my child with every meal I made him. (sigh) I'm looking forward to the day when I have a solid food repertoire for him that he enjoys. In the meantime, I'm testing recipes and will be posting those in which I found success. :)

I will sign off for now in hopes that my sweet potato soup rice came out okay. :) I'll let Nicolas be the judge.

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