Thursday, July 10, 2008

Diaper Changing Techniques

So, Alex continues to give me trouble every time I need to change his diaper and/or outfit. He continues to roll over and laugh as he proceeds to crawl away with a naked bottom flashing the world in the process of me changing his diaper. If there is a world record for the fastest diaper changing time, I might be close to breaking it if I haven't already. Today, I came up with a strategy that is slightly unorthodox, but it worked! After changing his diaper, I blocked him with my feet while I buttoned his onesie (he was on his belly.) He not only thought it was hilarious that I was restraining him with my feet (he likes toes) but it kept him still and steady long enough for me to finish buttoning his one piece jumper. AHHH! The fun times! I'm getting pretty creative although my word-finding difficulties still linger. You'd think as a speech pathologist that I would have strategies that I could implement, but I seem to have forgotten everything I learned the past 27 1/2 years.

Notice that Alex is not wearing's impossible unless he is drowsy or there are two people to assist with the task. My child will always be known as that kid who is shortless or in a onesie!

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