Enough about the boring stuff. Alex's babbling is as delightful to my ears as a nice tall glass of lemonade on a hot day. Eddy believes, and now I might possibly believe, that Alex has said his first word....and NO....it isn't "mama." It is not "dada" either although he frequently babbles that string of consonant-vowel combinations, even when Eddy is not present. It is in fact "og" for "dog." Being the recently graduated speech pathologist that I am, I fully understand that many parents exaggerate this milestone and believe it to have occured when a child is in fact babbling. In order for it to be a first true word, it must be consistently used in the presence of the referent, or more simply put, a child must be referring to a particular object and consistently use that word to describe that object.
Any time Alex hears Bubba bark, he says "og" and looks at or for Bubba. He also proceeds to babble "bubububububu...." I didn't believe Eddy when he told me over the phone. I was in Houston for Anesha's bachelorette party, but now I might actually believe it. Now I might actually believe that my child loves Bubba more than he loves me. At least our first born's first word was that of a neutral party and the name of a beloved family member....The Bubs.
You see, Bubba has a profound impact on people. I sensed it from the moment I saw the black bundle of fur. OR... it could be that bbuuubbbaa quite easily rolls of the tounge. In either case, I believe that it is the first reason. I wish there was some way for me to post a picture of my Cosmo here! I think he and the Bubbs could be great friends!! I miss you, and I love this new blog!
Ronnie, this is such a cute blog! Alex is adorable. When my first son was a baby I had to hold him down with my feet to change his diaper. They're surprisingly strong these little brutes:-). I'm looking forward to reading your blog!
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