Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The five love languages of Mars & Venus

I have never claimed to be an expert on love, that is knowing how to effectively receive and give love, or rather letting people know how much I love them and that I appreciate the love others give me. So, I am always trying to better myself by reading books about love. Often times, those books are found in the dreaded, often embarrassing, self-help section. In the name of love, I do it anyway.

The first book I read was The Five Love Languages, and this was a couple of years ago. The languages are: words of affirmation, quality time, gifts (giving and receiving), acts of service, and physical touch. The author, Gary Chapman, basically says that these are 5 love languages that people speak, and we speak and understand some of them better than others. Most often, people have 1 or 2 that they speak better than the others. For example (and this is completely hypothetical), I might feel most loved when someone verbally praises me and I receive gifts from them. My languages would then be words of affirmation and gifts. Get it?

Anywho, after reading the book and taking the quiz that helps determine your most proficient love language, I am almost equally proficient in 4 of the 5 languages with gifts receiving the least importance and quality time being the most important. That makes me a very complicated person to love...sorry!

I am currently reading Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray, and I think it is hilarious. I can't help but overanalyze every disagreement I hear or read about, or even experience myself with Eddy.

The point of this blog is that by reading all of those books, it's helped me to realize just how much of a Martian my husband is, and how well he's learned to tolerate my Venusian ways, despite my constant questioning of his competence (a huge no no in the world of the Martians).

My Eddy is and continues to be one of the most amazing people I have ever met. He tolerates my quirks and hormonal outbursts. He is an amazing Daddy and wonderful husband, and I love him very much. He is this week's featured family member of my blog.

Eddy's best blue steel!

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