Monday, May 11, 2009

Just let it go

I've never considered myself a fashionista by any means. Clothes are functional for me although I find that wearing decent-looking and age-appropriate garments often puts a little bounce in my step given the right make-up and nicely-styled hair. That said, there are articles of clothing in my closet that belong in the trenches of the Salvation Army that I haven't been able to part with for various reasons including: possible contribution to a Halloween costume (think tight pleather pants), dress-up day at work (hillbilly for a day), it might come back in style one day.

I know and you know that I should just LET IT GO! I dug deep into my closet today, and just for kicks, I decided to post a few of the articles being donated. I had to keep reminding myself, "just let it go" as I proceeded to take article after article off the hanger. It made me feel free! My two examples include a belly-bearing clubbing shirt and a maroon (Gig 'em Ags) knit flare sleeved shirt. The bottom pic is the whole pile...once I got started, I just couldn't stop!

I am in desperate need of a makeover...this became more evident as I rid myself of a long sleeveless linen dress and clubbing clothes from my college days. I am a proud mommy, but I don't have the desire to look like a tired and beaten up mommy, even though I might feel like one some days. We are devout Dave Ramsey followers so spending large amounts of money on clothing isn't an option for us but I'm currently looking at vamping up my wardrobe with school-district-employee and mommy appropriate wear. Any suggestions and recommendations are welcome! I'm really not good at picking outfits that are cute yet age-appropriate...I always go for cute, but appropriate for a middle-aged woman. Someone please help! :-)

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