Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sick Mommy/Sick Alex :-(

The past few weeks have been just a rollercoaster of viruses in the Contreras household.  I caught my first cold this pregnancy and ended up with a pretty bad one and pink eye to make things just even more fun. It took about a week to make a full recovery but I did so without taking the good meds so it was like torture.

As for my sweet boy, Alex, it seems that the poor boy can't catch a break. He caught a small cold the Sunday after Roly's wedding that went away pretty quickly. It led to a small cough but we didn't think much of it because it went away after a few days.  Then he caught the same cold I did last week.  Grandma Mary came up to stay with him so he got almost a full week away from school.  He was doing so much better when he started with a small cough this past Saturday.  We didn't think much of it again until he couldn't sleep on Monday night.  So, we took him to see his pediatrician and told us that he got pneumonia.  I was in denial until we got home and Alex had another high fever. He's doing much better now on antibiotics, steroid, and breathing treatments, thank the Lord!

As for the pregnancy, we have a first name picked out but we can't agree on a middle name just yet for baby boy Contreras #2 so I'll be sure to post once we have his entire name picked out. I'm 24 weeks, 1 day and my doctor put me on biweekly visits, UGH!  I'm such a whiner but being at the doctor is not my idea of fun.  I spent my last pregnancy living at doctors' offices with my anemia (hematologist), anaphylaxis (allergist, gastroenterologist, and pcp,) and my regular and emergency ob visits for all of my "episodes." I guess I thought I could get away with monthly ob visits at least until 7 months but looks like Dr. Mayo has other plans. That's cool, I'll quit complaining.

So far so good, otherwise.  I've gained more weight than I had gained with Alex at this point but I also lost 11 pounds with Alex in my first trimester.  I'm also not anemic (at least not yet) so that's exciting! I'm starting to freak out a little bit but I'll be sure to keep my diet in check as much as possible, especially because I'll have my sugar test next week. JOY! Fun times.

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