Wednesday, April 21, 2010

30 weeks and counting

Yesterday, I officially reached the 30 week mark, and my c-section appointment has been set: Tuesday, June 22nd at 8:15 a.m.  9 more weeks until we meet our little man. It's kinda strange to know exactly when your baby is going to be born. I could always go into labor early but I'm hopeful that I won't. Doc said that anything earlier than 39 weeks poses a much higher risk of a NICU visit.

Meanwhile, I'm just trying to deal with the many discomforts of my growing belly (i.e. peeing every 10-15 minutes, backache, foot pain, swelling, round ligament pain, etc...) I never realized how hard going to 4 schools would be, but I certainly gained a new respect for my body. I know it wouldn't be possible without my new favorite pair of shoes. These even tolerate the swelling in my feet. I might become a New Balance spokesperson. :-)

Alex is sick right now, and I think he's really starting to understand that he'll be having a baby brother...I'm not sure that he's very happy about that though because he'd rather be with his daddy any day before he even gets close to me.  It's kind of depressing but I'm trying not to take it personally. Hopefully he'll realize once his brother is born that we're all one big happy family. At least when he's older I'll be able to explain to him that all of the baby gear we used for him was brand new while his baby brother's were all hand-me-downs. :-) 

I'm hoping to get a 3d sonogram soon but we'll see when I find the time. Stay tuned for pics.


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