Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Another post, so soon?!?! Why, yes. :)

I can't believe I'm actually posting again. I'm sure my readers haven't even visited recently so hopefully there will be more to read when you return. :)

Mommyhood continues to be wonderful. I think I've pretty much adjusted to having 2 children now (almost 8 months later) although I still find it challenging to take them both out to run errands that require a lot of time (grocery shopping or clothes shopping.) We wait for daddy to join us on those adventures or I go by myself in the evenings as a mental break from the chaos. I must say that the grocery store however is just as chaotic if not more than my house.

My weight loss plan is still going at full speed. So far, 12 lbs lost since Christmas and 7 lbs since starting weight watchers 4 weeks ago. The funniest thing I keep hearing from people is: "you don't need weight watchers" which to me implies that only overweight people "need" weight watchers. I used to believe that until I really didn't know where else to go to lose weight besides a nutritionist. The last thing I have time for is another appointment on a weekday. I was still 8-10 lbs over my "usual" weight, and I had been working my rear end off trying to exercise my way back to my old jeans when I just decided to try and give Weight Watchers a chance. I'm using their online only program which has been awesome and absolutely functional for my needs.  Losing the weight is a great feeling but, most importantly, the biggest thing I've gotten from this journey is my energy back, which is essential with a little madman like Alex (or as Dr. Karp calls him, my little "caveman.") :) I feel like my old self again which is a wonderful feeling.

What I've learned since starting Weight Watchers is that I knew absolutely nothing about eating to lose weight. I could go on for days on my biggest problems with my pre Weight Watchers diet versus the weight loss plan I'm on right now. Here is what I've learned so far:

1. A portion of protein is 3 oz (about the size of the palm of your hand). Eat only that much meat
2. Full fat dairy is the devil.
3. Eat as many fruits and veggies as you'd like (certain fruits/veggies are worse than others i.e. corn, peas are a bit higher than others so limit intake of those)
4. Mexican food is probably the healthiest option for dining out and I have found a way to make all of my favorite dishes into VERY healthy options with low point counts
5. Carbs are not the devil but to be eaten in moderation (portion control)
6. Sugar drinks, alcohol, and cheese are a horrible waste of points--you end up feeling hungry and bloated
7. 10 bean and cheese nachos are almost a day's full of points--STAY AWAY!
8. Eating out is almost always a guaranteed points nightmare but there is always one or two dishes at every restaurant or there are ways to modify your order to help make it healthier (i.e. ordering the bun at Whataburger without the oil and then only eating one half of a regular bun) and my favorite dining out establishment has become Luby's. :)

I'll start posting some recipes soon but I guarantee that you won't notice the difference from healthy vs unhealthy Mexican food eating. :)

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