Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bad mommy, bad! :)

So I realized that it has been forever since I've blogged and my last posting happens to coincide with the death of our laptop. It's a lot harder to get to the desktop with both boys being so active. Life has been crazy (as I'm sure it has been for everybody.) It's amazing how busy we keep even when it seems that we don't have much planned. It's a full-time, under-appreciated, no time off kind of job raising these two boys, but I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Life has been awesome but certainly not without its challenges. One of those challenges has been a personal one and involves my post-pregnancy weight loss journey. While I nursed Nicolas, my metabolism got shot and instead of losing (as many nursing moms boast it does) I gained and/or stayed steady while watching what I ate.  I have heard from a few friends that the same happened for them. Definitely not a fun thing! I blogged about it several times but with Nicolas, I only gained 27 lbs, and I only recently started losing.

Here's how the numbers break down. I'm 5'5" so a normal BMI allows me to be anywhere from 120-150. Before having children, I held steady at 132 for the longest time and didn't stray very far from that number. In undergrad, I did a lot of heavy weight lifting and went up to 136 but that's as high as I had ever been. In high school, I'm not sure how much I weighed but that number was probably closer to 125 or so.

With my first pregnancy, I gained 33 lbs and lost all of it 6 weeks after giving birth. I had to workout to stay at 132 and eat decently but it wasn't hard at all. A short time before getting pregnant with Nicolas, I started gaining weight again (went up to 136) so a few minor changes in my diet (no more soda, no eating after 8pm) and I was down in the 128/130 range again in a few short weeks. That was awesome! After having Nicolas, the weight started coming off slowly at the 6 week mark but it crept right back on as my milk supply increased. At my highest, I was at 145 (still not considered overweight for my height) and felt HORRIBLE! I was tired all the time, cranky, sleepy, a mess! Mind you, I was working out 5 times a week (hard workouts.) I was also in a lot of pain from a messed up neck and lower back.

So, in December, I finally decided to go to a chiropractor and have my neck and back adjusted and that worked WONDERS! I wanted to be able to workout without the pain and that helped tremendously. YAYAYAY! :) If you have chronic pain and have never been, I highly recommend it. Especially, if you workout and feel that a little pain is's not okay. You shouldn't have bone pain (muscle soreness is totally different.) I cannot sing enough praises of chiropractors and their place in pain management.

I have a lot more to type but mommy duty calls. To end it though, I'm finally down to 133 and working on getting to 126. I'm wearing my pre-pregnancy pants again (size 6) and my energy levels are through the roof. I'll post soon and explain in more detail about my weight loss journey. :)

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