Thursday, September 4, 2008

Bottles bottles go away

Bottle weaning started off somewhat smoothly, or rather, not as bad as we expected....and then it became worse than we expected. Now, we're doing better than we thought we'd be doing. I just don't know what to expect anymore with this bottle weaning stuff. Being the "planner" that I am, I can't help but try to anticipate the level of difficulty I might face when trying to overcome any obstacle. I'm the patient who insisted the nurse give me a general timeline for how long I would be feeling as horrendous as I was feeling following my c-section...I'm the person who gets anxious about being anxious. If there's one thing I'm learning being a parent, it's that I'm going to drive myself nuts trying to plan everything with a child.

I am slowly starting to, in the words of my dad, "lighten up" when it comes to all the things I'm picky about...a clean house, organization, schedules. For example, when I organize Alex's toys in our living room, which is his general play area, he lovingly finds joy in taking everything out of place. He will happily ignore his blocks if they are out of their container. But he will stop throwing all the books around the floor if I start trying to put them back where they belong just to come and throw them out again. I sometimes think it's God and my mom acting through Alex to teach me to find joy in my son and stop being so neurotic. :-)

Before Alex

After Alex

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