Sunday, June 20, 2010

Almost there

Here I am at 5:30 a.m. blogging because I haven't been able to sleep since about 4 a.m. I've been having contractions which I'm not certain are Braxton Hicks or not. With my previous labor, my water broke before I went into actual hard labor so I had to be induced. I know what real contractions feel like since I was in labor for 21 hours but I've been told that contractions from induced labor are more painful than naturally occurring labor. For the past 2 weeks, I haven't had a good night's rest due to concerns that my water could break at any moment in the middle of the night...hard to imagine but subconsciously, I'm even a bigger OCD freak than when fully awake and conscious. :-)

I am in full nesting instinct mode which is also a big part of why I'm worried about being in labor and not knowing it. We had new flooring installed on Friday and I've been on a mission to wash everything and re-wash all of Alex and Nicolas' clothes and sheets (in addition to my usual 7 load regular weekend laundry.)  I still have about 6 or 7 loads left so I'm hoping Nicolas will hold out...I have hope!!!! :-)

Grandma Mary arrived safe and soundly on her birthday so if Nicolas did decide to come early, Alex would be in good hands and I wouldn't be freaking out. My poor baby, though, is having another coughing episode due to the floors being taken up and all of the allergens that must be lingering in the air. I have an appointment with the same allergist to follow up on my food allergies on Monday (nothing like waiting til the last minute, I know) so I'm hoping to get some answers and help for my little man before his baby brother makes his grand entrance. In the meantime, we are waking up at 2 a.m. like clockwork with coughing episodes in spite of all the regular treatments he is on.

With that, I will segway into wishing my husband a very Happy Father's Day. He epitomizes what being a loving and amazing father is all about. He is the one who tends to Alex at all hours of the night when he wakes up and is sick or is having his coughing episodes. He makes breakfast for Alex on a regular basis, even when he has to go to work. He is always around and willing to play with the little guy, even when he's tired. And one of his favorite things I'm sure, he's always willing to play xbox 360 at Alex's request. :-) You truly are an inspiration, my love, and I only hope that Alex (and Nicolas) will be as good of a daddy to their children as you are to them. I'm excited to see how you will impact the life of Nicolas. I'm sure it will be as great as the impact you've had on Alex.  I love you all with my entire heart! You are my world.

To my dad, Happy Father's Day. You have always been my rock and the one I go to for everything. You have been my father and my mother figure, and I am forever grateful for having a great man in my life. You are an amazing grandpa to Alex, and he and I love you more than anything.

To all other dads and daddies to be, Happy Father's Day and may you be continue to be blessed and celebrated for everything that you do.

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