Wednesday, June 9, 2010

37 weeks, 1 day

Happy Wednesday everyone! I have officially finished my Clinical Fellowship Year and my first year as a speech/language pathologist with Northside ISD. :-) I couldn't feel more relieved that my journey that began 5 years ago this August is finally complete (once my CCCs and license come in the mail of course.)

Now, I am just awaiting the arrival of little Nicolás while trying to manage the ups and downs of dealing with Alex and his terrible 2's.  He is absolutely sweet and loving but he has certainly learned some not so fun behaviors (hitting, screaming, kicking,) and it is extremely hard trying to manage those behaviors being so pregnant and emotional.  Not to mention that the weather hasn't been conducive to allowing the amount of outside time he requires to expend his energy. Needless to say, we have had a lot of time outs and a few emotional breakdowns on both of our parts. We bought Alex a new playscape (a gift from his baby brother Nicolás) so we are hoping that the novelty will make the transition to big brother a smooth one. It should be installed next week.

My nesting instinct is in full force. With that, though, comes by typical OCD anxiety and nervousness that Nicolás will come early before we have time to do everything we have planned. Before Nicolás arrives, I am planning for the following:
1) install laminate floors in the remainder of the house-followed by re-washing all sheets and clothes (it's amazing how much dirt/dust 4 years will leave under your carpet and how it manages to settle on EVERYTHING in the house)
2)doctor appt for Alex with allergy and asthma specialist
3) buy remaining necessary baby items
4) allergist appt for mama
5) HR appt for mama's FMLA

I have accomplished a lot of random to-do items that I probably would not normally accomplish (i.e. organizing all of Alex's pictures into albums.) In the meantime, I will continue to try to accomplish as much as possible and will hopefully manage to keep my cranky pants in check. These hormones are raging and I'm hoping not to bite off too many heads before the little man comes. (WARNING: from now until 8 weeks following my surgery, I will not take responsibility for offending or insulting anyone.  If I look cranky, it's probably because I am. I have not slept well for the last 12 weeks, I pee every 10-15 minutes and no I'm not exaggerating, my back hurts, my toes hurt, my face, feet, and hands are all fat, and I get nauseated at the thought of pretty much everything. Consider yourself warned!) :-)


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